Wednesday, July 14, 2010

p90x.... may just be the death of me...

ok, so i'm being dramatic, but seriously i have never been this sore in my life. it hurts to walk, sit, stand, or pretty much move at all. and it's only day 2. now maybe i'm being a little bit of a baby, which i can handle, but everyone i have talked to about p90x in the last 2 days has said that they have either quit after day 1 or after the first week. now i'm really hoping to have a much higher success rate, but at this point i can totally see exactly why they quit. this crap is hard! let me break it down for you so far:

exercise -
monday: core cinergenix (or cinergix or something) this basically works all of your muscles from your core. this workout literally kicked my butt!! 60 minute workout
tuesday: cardio, much better workout in my opinion. i was very pleased. since i was so sore from the day before i was scared to take on day 2, but it was fairly do-able. i was actually sweating more on this workout than mondays, but i enjoyed the exercises way more.
wednesday: ab-ripper/arms&shoulders, i am at work right now and heading home to do this one in the next half hour, and i am terrified!!

i am praying for strength, in this and other matters. including ryan's recovery, which is going slower than expected. he is having a hard time keeping his spirits up. hopefully next week he will be able to return to light work, but until then we will be laying around the house trying to stay positive, and remember that God is with us through the rough spots, and being thankful for every situation that we are in, wheteher we want to be in it or not. so thank you God for every speed bump and valley along the way. we love You.

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