i'm amber. i'm 23 years old. i am a wife to a wonderful man who loves me, a daughter to two incredible parents who do anything and everything for me, and a sister to my best friend. i live in georgia and i love it here. i have been married for a little over a year and i try to do my best at it. it is fun being married, but also hard work. we have moved twice over the last year, and it seems like that is the story of our lives right now. i don't mind :) it's exciting!
i have recently decided to start gardening and it is now one of my favorite hobbies. along with reading, painting, cooking, and blogging <3. i love to be outdoors exploring. i constantly plan to organize my life, but have yet to do so. that is on my list. i am a list maker, i make lists and rarely get around to checking them off. but that's how i roll. ha. i have 2 dogs who i love dearly but who drive me insane. 2 dogs is birth control enough for me.
i go to the coffee shop daily. i am passionate about many many things and coffee is one of them. among that and others include: Jesus, missions, friendships, Chick fil A, Target, my 4runner, so you think you can dance, eating, trying to get in shape (ha), cutting hair, camping, music, helping others, deepening my relationships, and one day becoming successful at something that i love.
i am young and learning new things about myself and life everyday. im pretty sure i know who i am but at the same time sometimes i feel like i have no idea. thankfully i am loved by a gracious and merciful God. i am stronger than i give myself credit for most of the time, but all my strength comes from HIM. i want babies one day. i want my own home one day. i want to make a difference. i love people, and i wear my heart on my sleeve. i never meet a stranger. i love to have fun. i would rather be laughing all the time. i believe life is full of opportunities and i want to live mine to the fullest!